Category: AFMW Documents

AFMW President Report April 2014

Happy Autumn Everyone!

AFMW has had a number of busy months since our last newsletter.  The Council continues to consider how best to share all the relevant information with the State Committees and members – as the balance between too much information and not enough is a hard one to strike.  To that end, a summary is provided below!

  • Some lucky AFMW members have attended the Commission on the Status of Women annual meeting which was held in New York last month.  The theme was ‘Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls’.  Professor Gabrielle Casper and a number of her Notre Dame students attended and presented – hopefully their reports will be ready for the next newsletter. 
  • Please remember to notify the secretariat if you know of a medical woman registered for over 50 years as both AFMW and MWIA have a Golden Jubilee Certificate for them!
  • May 2014 is the World Health Organisation (WHO) World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.  If you wish to attend, AFMW can register you with MWIA and you are welcome to attend. Contact AFMW Secretariat to register your interest. 
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