open forum

AFMW Open Forum 5 May – CV Writing Seminar with A/Prof Deb Colville

On-line / Zoom

Join us Wednesday 5 May for the AFMW Open Forum where Associate Professor Deb Colville will led a CV writing seminar. This popular event, run by the VMWS, is open to all VMWS and AFMW members. This session also includes a CV review opportunity.

QMWS May Dinner Meeting “Celebrating United Nations” (Including the AFMW Open Forum)

United Service Club 183 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, QLD, Australia

27 MAY OPEN FORUM. Please join the QMWS for a special dinner meeting Thursday May 27th 2021. The theme for the QMWS May dinner meeting is “Celebrating United Nations". We are so excited to have three special guest speakers for the night: Dr Jillian Farmer (Dr Jillian Farmer (United Nations and formerly Qld rural GP), Brendan Rook & Dr Helena Franco. Online bookings for all AFMW members and network are welcome.

Open Forum + Get to know your Hong Kong and China colleagues – MWIA Western Pacific Region Meeting

On-line / Zoom

5 JUNE OPEN FORUM. Please join us Saturday 5 June, for the next MWIA interactive webinar (and AFMW Open Forum), lead by Dr Desiree Yap AM (AFMW), as we "get to know our colleagues in the regions" of Hong Kong and China. Saturday 5th June start time is 3pm WP MWIA Meeting-Melbourne / Sydney/ Brisbane/Canberra meeting time from 3pm to 5pm (meet China and Hong Kong).

No Open Forum 12 June

On-line / Zoom

Please be advised that due to the HKWDA 8 June webinar, no AFMW Open Forum is scheduled for Saturday 12 June 2021.

QMWS & AFMW Open Forum 19 Aug – “Time for Reform of the Mental Health System?”

On-line / Zoom

19 AUG. Please join the QMWS for their August Meeting on "Time for Reform of the Mental Health System in Australia?". Keynote speaker at the event is Dr Christel Middeldorp, Professor of Child and Youth Psychiatry and co-chair of the Strategy expert group. This is an online event is part of AFMW Open Forum calendar, with all AFMW members and network are welcome.


AFMW Open Forum – Moving forward with COVID: GPs advancing vaccinations and health literacy – 3 Feb

On-line / Zoom

3 FEB: AFMW Open Forum launches on Tuesday February 3rd 8pm-9PM AEDT with GP Leaders Associate Professor Charlotte Hespe  RACGP NSW/ ACT Faculty and RACGP Board Director,  Associate Professor Margie Danchin Group Leader, Vaccine Uptake, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, and Dr Magdalena Simonis, RACGP Expert Committee Quality Care will be discussing COVID in primary care in 2022. This is the first in the COVID Crisis Open Forum Series. Register today.

AFMW Open Forum – First Nations Peoples and COVID-19 concerns and their relevance to National Apology Day – 13 Feb

On-line / Zoom

13 FEB: The next in our AFMW Open Forum series will be this Sunday 5PM AEDT. We have commenced our 2022 Open Forum sessions with a “COVID Crisis” series last week, and this week it seems timely to acknowledge National Apology Day on 13 February, and again express our sorrow for the impact COVID-19 is having on First Nations peoples, in the context of known harm from actions that caused the Stolen Generation.

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