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AFMW Position Statements – Women’s Reproductive Rights

Draft Position Statement on the Ethics of Doctor’s Conscience

  1. AFMW recognises that medical professionals are obliged to make clinical decisions that affect and are affected by the ethical, legal, religious and personal beliefs of doctors, patients and other parties.
  2. AFMW recognises the right of doctors to hold conscientious objections.
  3. Whereas AFMW respects the rights of doctors, AFMW believes doctors have a duty of care to provide unbiased information and to disclose their conscientious objections.

Draft Position Statement on Abortion

  1. AFMW upholds that every woman in every country should have the right to decide if she wishes or not to become pregnant.
  2. Reliable information and safe means to prevent pregnancy should be available to all women.
  3. AFMW recognises that termination of pregnancy is requested by some people.
  4. AFMW believes that safe and legal abortion services should be available, affordable and accessible.  In worldwide promotion of women’s health, access to safe abortions is seen as an important issue.
  5. AFMW recognises the rights of women and girls and upholds the right of women and girls to undergo lawful medical and surgical treatments, including abortion.
  6. AFMW recognises the autonomy of women and upholds their right to choose to undergo lawful medical and surgical treatments, including abortion.
  7. AFMW upholds women and girls’ right to seek and obtain unbiased information about healthcare, including abortion.
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