A council update for members and guests.
2 December 2024
This was our first regular council meeting since 27 August 2024, Dr Sarah Coll’s last meeting as the president of AFMW.
Between the two councils meetings, we have met in three special council meetings aimed to filling empty positions. We are grateful that Dr Brenda Masters nominated and was elected as our president. We are also extremely grateful that previous AFMW Secretary Betty Ge was nominated for the position of National Coordinator. Dr Gabrielle Casper has made herself available to mentor Betty, a great resource for her with her international MWIA experience. I stepped into the Executive Council position that became empty when Brenda became President.
We are now tasked with filling the other empty council positions:
- AFMW Treasurer;
- Another executive Council member;
- Membership secretary;
- Individual Members representative;
- Recent Graduate Representative;
- youngAFMW Representative;
- Reconciliation Action Plan working group, including Chair;
- Governance Committee working group, including Chair
So much to do, on our agenda :
- Fleshing out our Reconciliation Action Plan
- Purple Bush Medicine Leaves project finances and assessment whether it would fit our Reconciliation Action Plan;
- Commenting on a recent Queensland political decision to stop funding the States’s Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry;
- Governance and Code of Conduct work for our internal protocols and policies;
- Our upcoming AGM on the 18 January 2025 in Canberra, in person or by zoom;
- The upcoming AFMW centenary in 2027;
- The same year we are also hosting the Western Pacific Region Triennial Conference 2027 – we are very grateful that VMWS has offered to host and organise this.
Many things that are talked about but no room on our agenda are issues such as:
- Climate action plan;
- Membership Drive;
- Meetings, dinners conferences and fun stuff!
Do you see how rich our work is? Women doctors, busy working doctors, trying hard to make a difference. We really hope you can keep our AFMW and our council in mind. We need your energy and ideas.
Dr Sandra Hirowatari

The Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW) is a not for profit, politically neutral, non sectarian, non government organisation that seeks to improve the health of all Australians, especially the health of women and children.
Events and Updates coordination by AFMW, on behalf of the Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW), its affiliated Australian state and territory partners and international networks and supporters. If you have an update or event you would like to share with us for Australian medical women, please contact us with details. Thank you.