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AFMW draft Position Statement on Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery

c.    AFMW opposes the advertising or promotion of regulated health services (eg those usually provided by a health care practitioner) in a way that directly or indirectly encourages their indiscriminate or unnecessary use.
d.    AFMW opposes the promotion of and use of surgical products and techniques that make unproven claims of enhancing female sexual satisfaction and/or attractiveness. AFMW believes that promoting and performing such surgery carries significant risks of physical and psychological harm to women and girls.
e.    AFMW supports the use of gynaecological and plastic surgical techniques where the primary aim is to repair or reconstruct normal female anatomy following trauma, harmful traditional practices, pathologic processes or congenital anomalies.
f.    AFMW opposes media depictions that directly or indirectly promote a prepubescent appearance of female genitalia as sexually desirable.
g.    AFMW opposes media images that directly or indirectly promote abnormal perceptions of the appearance of normal female adult genitalia.
h.    AFMW supports education regarding the wide diversity of the appearance of normal female genitalia.

The position statement will be circulated in the October AFMW newsletter and presented to members for formal acceptance at the AFMW Annual General Meeting on November 17, 2012.

Comments on the draft position statement are welcomed from members and non-members – click here to email us your thoughts or send us a message on Twitter (@AFMWorgau). In October we will be running an educational campaign on social media – check out our Facebook Page or the Twitter hashtag #PinkBits for more information.

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