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NGO CSW66 Forum Training

On-line / Zoom

18 FEB. NGO CSW66 Forum Training. Learn everything you need to know about attending the NGO CSW66 Forum on the Virtual Portal. We'll talk about the different aspects of the Forum, show a walk-through of the Virtual Portal, and take questions from participants!

IHAN CSW66 Parallel Event “Climate change, environmental degradation and disaster – consequences for women’s health”

On-line / Zoom

20 MAR. This session, hosted by the International Health Awareness Network (IHAN), includes a panel of speakers discussing "Climate change and environmental degradation – consequences for women’s health". This is a Parallel Event of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, is Co-Sponsored with National School of Medicine, The University of Notre Dame Australia and Fordham Institute for Women and Girls, New York. Please register to attend.

AFMW UN CSW66 Event [INTERNATIONAL Audience] “Australian Women Doctors: Climate Change and Gender Equity Advocates and Activists” [Updated]

On-line / Zoom

20 MAR. This session, hosted by AFMW, is live for an INTERNATIONAL audience. This full AFMW UN CSW parallel event will be held via Zoom, Sunday 20 March 11pm - Monday 21 March 12.30am AEDT ( Melb /Canberra/ Sydney), 8am EST (USA). A draft program is now available. Please register to attend.

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