Many of our members were interested in a newsletter article we featured on the topic of genital cosmetic surgery, following on from a letter sent to the MJA. Dr Glenn Carruthers and Dr Rachel Robbins have recently sponsored a petition directed at The Executive Director Australian Law Reform Commission. It reads:
“For some time we have been concerned that unrealistic depictions of female genitals, as required by the Australian film and literature classification board, have resulted in misperception of oneself as abnormal, leading to emotional problems and an increase in unnecessary and poorly understood cosmetic surgery. Fortunately the current guidelines for the classification of publications in Australia are under review. This provides us with an opportunity to have a say on some issues in the scheme which are related to these social and health problems. These problems are ably highlighted in the submission by Women’s Health Victoria.”
Click here to read and sign the petition.
The Perfect Vagina is an interesting UK documentary that examines labioplasty, labial casting (to create the Great Wall of Vagina), perceptions of and normal variations of female genitalia, and hymenoplasty.
If you know a woman who has concerns about the appearance of her genitals consider directing her to the Great Wall of Vagina – an artistic display of 400 casted female genitalia showing appearances of all shapes and sizes.