The Standing Committee on Health and Ageing has tabled its report on the inquiry into Registration Processes and Support for Overseas Trained Doctors. The “Lost in the Labyrinth” report contains 45 recommendations to improve transparency, efficiency and accountability in the registration system for IMG doctors. Recommendations include:
– abolition of the 10 year moratorium
– assistance for IMGs in navigating accreditation and registration processes
– an increase in the validity period for English language test results from two years to four years when applying for certain forms of medical registration
– establishment of a central document repository for IMG paperwork to reduce duplication and administrative inefficiency investigate options to ensure equitable and fair access to clinical supervision places for international medical graduates; and
– promotion of new and innovative technologies to increase clinical supervision capacity, particularly for medical practitioners who are employed in situations where they have little or no access to direct supervision.
To download the ‘Lost in the Labyrinth’ report please click here.