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National Sorry Day 2024

National Sorry Day 2024 notice

May 26 is National  Sorry Day

On this day we all have a further opportunity to reflect and acknowledge the historical injustices inflicted upon Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Reconciliation Australia writes:

“We cannot begin to fix the problems of the present without accepting the truth of our history”

On National Sorry Day, we particularly remember the ongoing pain and suffering endured by generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families who were forcibly removed from their homes and culture and are now known as the Stolen Generations.

I encourage you to use this day to recognise the survivors of the Stolen Generations  and to educate ourselves and reflect on how we can all pay play apart in the healing process for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


  1. Visit the Healing  Foundation to understand the impact of generational trauma. (The Board of the Healing Foundation are particularly supportive of the AFMW Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursary program)
  2.  Attend local events commemorating National Sorry Day in your own communities.
  3. Continue to listen to and read and discuss the history of this country.




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