Privacy Policy
The Australian Federation of Medical Women Inc (AFMW) has developed this policy to protect your privacy in compliance with privacy legislation. Our policy is to inform you:
- What personal information is being collected;
- Who is collecting your personal information;
- How your personal information is being used; and
- To whom your personal information is being disclosed
Information collected – Deidentified
When you access our website a record of your visit is created and the following information may be logged for statistical purposes:
- Your server address
- Your domain or top level domain name (for example practice.com, .gov, .au etc)
- The date and time of your visit to the site
- The pages you accessed and documents downloaded
- The previous site you visited
- The type of browser you are using
We use Google Analytics to track visits to the website. This information is used to monitor usage patterns on the site in order to improve navigation and design features, helping you to get information more easily. The website contains links to third party websites. The AFMW takes no responsibility for the privacy practices or content of the external websites.
Information collected – Identified
The AFMW will collect your e-mail address if you send a message to us via our website e-mail addresses. Your e-mail address may then be used for the purposes for which you have provided it.
If you are a member with the AFMW, we may collect personal information that you provide via one of our membership forms, either in hard copy format or electronic format or by submission online. This may include:
- Contact information
- Medical career information such as year of graduation, area of speciality etc
- Information for the purpose of developing members events
If you do not wish your identity to be provided to the AFMW, then will we endeavour to comply with this request. Please note, that if members are not able to for any reason, provide the requested information, then we may not be able to effectively provide all the services to you.
Use and Disclosure of your Information
Any information that members change on this site (with the exception of their password) may be used to update their membership information, which may include date of birth and telephone number, and email address. Individuals who sign up for the AFMW newsletters will be placed on the relevant mailing lists for the AFMW. Individuals can unsubscribe from these lists at any time.
We may provide your name and email address to the Medical Women’s International Association (MWIA). Once their facility for automatic unsubscribing is established, your email address may be passed on to the MWIA.
Since we are now collecting your membership information on line. This means, we will for instance collect your phone number, year of graduation, address and date of birth, from your membership form. We collect this information in order to:
- Create membership services and benefits
- Maintain membership and service / benefit records
- We will not disclose your personal information to a third
- We will only collect personal information from you with your prior knowledge and consent
- You have the right to access any personal information held by us that relates to you
Data Security
The AFMW takes all reasonable steps to keep all information secure and to protect that personal information from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.
The AFMW will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer needed for any purpose for it was collected.
Unless otherwise specified, all information and materials on this website are copyright and are protected by the copyright laws of Australia.
The AFMW gives permission for text and articles on this website to be quoted or reproduced for non- commercial use provided that the information is not changed and that the source is acknowledged appropriately.
The AFMW endeavours to keep the information on this website up-to-date but cannot guarantee that the information provided is completely accurate. However, any mistakes brought to our attention will be corrected as soon as possible.
This website contains a number of links to external websites. The views or opinions stated in the external websites do not necessarily reflect those of the AFMW. The AFMW takes no responsibility for the content of the external websites. Our Copyright policy does not extend to these external websites. You should check the Copyright policy for each external site where relevant.
Complaints about privacy
If you have any complaints relating to online privacy issues on our website, please notify the Society. While we accept no liability for any material or links posted, we will investigate all complaints. The AFMW undertakes to honour the legal requirements of medical information privacy in Australia.
If any person requires information about the way we manage their personal information or has any queries, problems or complaints, then the person should contact the AFMW via email [email protected]
The Secretariat, Australian Federation of Medical Women Inc
PO Box 252, East Melbourne, Vic 3002
Dated: 10 February 2020
The AFMW website does not host any form of advertisement.
The AFMW website was established with am $89 000 grant from the Australian Government Office for Women’s 2007-8 Leadership and Development Programme Grants. The Bridging Leadership Barriers Project 2008-9 Project Report is available here. AFMW gratefully acknowledges this grant. Ongoing funding is obtained from member fees and member donations.
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