Dr Margaret Kay AM
We are very proud to announce that QMWS member Dr Margaret Kay AM has become a Member of the Order of Australia for significant service to medicine, to medical education, and to migrant health.
In May 2020 she spoke at our dinner meeting on Doctors’ health. Her PhD in doctors’ health has led the way for many ongoing research projects.
Dr Kay was the Chair of the Expert Advisory Committee to the national Doctors Health Program for several years. She has been a champion of doctors’ health in the medical community, and authored peer reviewed publications around increasing the medical profession’s need to care for its own members. She is currently the Academic Lead of Doctors’ Health in Queensland and combines this with a busy GP practice.
Dr Kay is also known for her work and research in refugee health where she is the Inaugural Chair of the Refugee Health Network of Australia.
We are delighted that her years of hard work, dedication, compassion, and wisdom in the areas of doctors’ health, medical education and refugee health have been acknowledged in the Australia Day Honours List with a Member of the Order of Australia.
See more information on Dr Kay’s work

Marissa Daniels is a paediatric intensive care medicine trainee, yAFMW co-Chair and past Treasurer for AFMW.