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The waiting room: the story of Dr Khulod Maarouf-Hassan

The story highlights the need for all medical practitioners to be aware of the need for early and assertive management of schizophrenia. Dr. Leanne Rowe will be presenting this topic at the Medical Women’s International Association Western Pacific Regional conference on 19th October 2008 at Hotel Sofitel, Melbourne. Some of her other topics related to medical workplace violence and based on her development of new resources for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners include:

· De-escalating violence
· Involuntary admission of a psychotic patient at risk of violence
· Managing prescription shoppers
· File flagging systems
· Discontinuing care
· Warning other medical practices
· Obtaining an intervention order
· Providing a safe physical working environment
· OH&S legislation and zero tolerance
· Reporting a violent incident
· Responding to stalking
· Reviewing an incident with practice staff
· Home visit policy
· Dealing with bullying in the medical workplace

Associate Professor Leanne Rowe AM is a GP, Deputy Chancellor of Monash University and immediate past chairman of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Her recent books include “Save your Life” and the “Lives of those you love: Your GP’s 6 step guide for staying healthy longer” coauthored by Professor Michael Kidd, endorsed by the RACGP, published by Allen and Unwin and available in book stores or online.

The AFMW thanks Associate Prof. Leanne Rowe, friend of Dr Khulod Maarouf-Hassan, for her work on these issues.

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