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Call for applications to the Young AFMW Committee


Join the new Young AFMW Group
Are you < 40 yrs old?
Did you graduate fewer than 7 years ago? 

If so, we’d love to have you as part of the Young AFMW group.

AFMW are in the process of forming a Young AFMW Committee. This will support our members to take action on issues that are important to us in a flexible and inclusive way.

Are passionate about supporting women in medicine as a driving force for equitable health care for all? If so, join us now!

1. Applications for the Young AFMW Committee are now open!

We are calling for applications for:
1. Co-chair
2. Secretary
3. Treasurer
4. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Representative
5. Project Lead
6. Website Officer
7. Social Media Officer
8. International Representative
9. Representatives from each state and territory

Position descriptions are available here.

Please submit your CV and a 250 word cover letter to AFMW Secretary Dr Marjorie Cross at [email protected].

Applications close January 10.

2. Project Applications Now Open

Are you passionate about a specific issue but don’t know how to take action? The Young AFMW Committee will complete three projects in 2020.  One of these could be your brainchild!

Submit your project proposal to AFMW Secretary Dr Marjorie Cross at [email protected] before January 10.

Please provide a short proposal (max 600 words) using the following structure:
– Introduction (including any pertinent literature)
– Method
– Implications
– Schedule + budget .

We look forward to hearing from you! 


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