An open letter to all those affected by this week’s recent specialty exam IT failure.
Dear Trainees of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Colleagues and Friends,
We write this open letter in response to the events of last weekend.
Specialty examinations for trainees of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists were unable to be implemented using an online platform, and were discontinued on the day of the exam.(1)
Young AFMW would like to express our compassion and concern for all affected by these unfortunate events. For trainees affected, we recognise the years of planning, strategising, juggling and struggling that goes into preparing for postgraduate medical examinations. COVID 19 has been an additional burden. We also recognise that the events of this week may be triggering for those who have been affected by IT failures during examinations in other specialties.
We recognise that these events will impact those who are committed to educating and mentoring trainees, including within the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, other training colleges and organisations, places of employment, and those who provide informal support.
Please, let’s look out for each other. It is more important now than ever before.
If you need help, please reach out – to a colleague, friend, your GP, or another trusted professional. AFMW has a list of where to start:
If you see a colleague in need, please reach out a hand in compassion and friendship.
Our people are a very precious resource. Let’s look after each other.
In solidarity,
Young AFMW
(1) RANZCP 20/11/21, RANZCP statement on cancellation of AV OSCEs, media release, accessed 24/11/21, < policy/news/ranzcp-statement- on-cancellation-of-av-osces>.

Marissa Daniels is a paediatric intensive care medicine trainee, yAFMW co-Chair and past Treasurer for AFMW.