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Core Confidence scholarship for the young AFMW members

Scholarship announcement from Helen Franco, yAFMW

The AFMW are pleased to announce a scholarship for one young AFMW member to participate in a 10-week online program, called Acts of Confidence, which will equip you with the practical tools required to create an amazing future full of possibilities!

To Apply

To be considered for the scholarship, please send a cover letter to [email protected] including:

1) Full Name

2) State

3) A core part of the Acts of Confidence Program is to take small acts of confidence each week, stair-casing your way toward one BIG Act of Confidence. Some examples in the past include applying for a promotion opportunity, taking a lead role in a new project or tackling some tough performance situations. If you were to be successful in being awarded a Scholarship in the program, what would your BIG Act of Confidence be?

4) When it comes to Acts of Confidence, we know that one of the biggest challenges is the roadblocks and red-flags that often stop us taking actions, things like self-doubt and fear of failure. What roadblocks do you anticipate may come up as you step up into your BIG Act of Confidence?


Due Date

The due date for this scholarship is 14 August 2022.


Helena Franco

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