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Follow up to Restructuring Proposals presented at the AGM Plus Member Poll

Dr Kate Duncan AM and restructuring request

Dear Colleagues.
I am starting to plan the series of discussion meetings which were proposed at the AGM.


Preferred Meeting Time Poll

At this stage, I would like to take a poll concerning preferred meeting times. Could you please submit your preference. Additionally, I am seeking expressions of interest from members interested in contributing to the discussions and hope to speak to this further at the Strategic Planning meeting.

Please complete the following:

Which meeting day and time would best suit you to attend?
Expression of Interest


The Planned Schedule

Week 1: January 19 th , 21 st or 22 nd
Week 2: February 9 th , 11 th or 12 th
Week 3: March 2 nd , 4 th or 5 th
Week 4: March 23 rd , 25 th or 26 th
Week 5: April 13 th , 15 th or 16 th


Restructuring Topics

As previously outlined, the topics addressed in turn will be:

Week 1 Mission Statement, Aims and Objects. Relationship to MWIA
Week 2 Membership structure and the role of the existing societies
Week 3 Financial Structure
Week 4 Governance Structure
Week 5 Rules of Incorporated Associations / Constitution / By-laws

These are outlined more fully in the AGM paper.


With Kind Regards
Dr Kate Duncan
AFMW National Coordinator

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