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Guide – How to plan and conduct telehealth consultations with children and adolescents and their families (WHO)

How to plan and conduct telehealth consultations with children and adolescents and their families

COVID-19 has fast forwarded a lot of innovation and Telehealth is here to stay as a routine form of patient interaction. Some good guidance material has been developed to assist us during the pandemic peaks. This guide was produced by WHO and is particularly important for our consultations with adolescents and their families.



Extract / Overview

Teleconsultations are increasingly part of global health care; however, there are few resources to guide best practice for their use with children and adolescents. This document is intended to provide practical guidance to health-care professionals (HCPs) in planning, setting up and conducting teleconsultations with infants, children, adolescents and their families or caregivers. It outlines a range of clinical and non-clinical factors for deciding when a teleconsultation is appropriate.

Teleconsultations involve the use of information and communications technology to provide clinical services to clients by an HCP without an in-person visit. Teleconsultations can be categorized as synchronous (occurring in real-time by videoconference, telephone or platforms such as WhatsApp and Facetime) or asynchronous (transmission of health data, such as health history, test results or images, through an electronic communications system with no real-time or live interaction). This guidance focuses on synchronous teleconsultation.

This guide does not make recommendations about the diagnosis or treatment of conditions and is not intended to replace sound clinical judgement. It does not include information on health-care services delivered with use of a computer program, app or social network site, nor does it include information on use of telehealth for consultation between HCPs when a client is not present or for medical education.


Download the Guide

How to plan and conduct telehealth consultations with children and adolescents and their families (1.6mb pdf)

This guide was produced by WHO and is particularly important for our consultations with adolescents and their families.



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