NSW have sought to highlight support and care of one another. They have a new Committee and have chosen to have dedicated officers for membership, mentoring, social media and for events. This sounds like an excellent model for sharing the work load amongst a volunteer committee .
The Committee held a successful Autumn Dinner and the focus was on medical women’s wellbeing. As well, they have revived a formalised mentoring program.
They have integrated their website and online platforms and are now in a better position to more actively promote NSW MWS and seek new members.

The Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW) is a not for profit, politically neutral, non sectarian, non government organisation that seeks to improve the health of all Australians, especially the health of women and children.
Events and Updates coordination by AFMW, on behalf of the Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW), its affiliated Australian state and territory partners and international networks and supporters. If you have an update or event you would like to share with us for Australian medical women, please contact us with details. Thank you.