There will be broad community consultation with employers, employees, unions, women’s advocacy groups and members of the public. In the next few months an Issues Paper will be released to signal the start of the consultation process.
Terms of Reference for the Review of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act
The review of the Equal Opportunity for Women in Workplace Act 1999 will:
– Examine the role that the EOWW Act and Agency have in gathering and reporting on workplace data.
– Examine the contribution that the EOWW Act has made to increasing women’s employment opportunities and advancing women’s equality in the workplace.
– Consider the effectiveness of the EOWW legislation and arrangements in delivering equal opportunity for women.
– Provide advice on practical ways in which the equal opportunity for women framework could be improved to deliver better outcomes for Australian women.
– Consider opportunities to reduce the cost of existing regulation and/or ways to ensure that any new legislation is cost-effective and well-targeted.
– Consider the EOWW Act and Agency within the framework of existing and proposed workplace-related and human rights legislation and policy.
– Have regard to the effects of the Act, or any proposed recommendations resulting from this review on the economy, the labour market, business competitiveness, social inclusion and the general wellbeing of the Australian community.
Source: Office for Women