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Tag: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Now More Than Ever #NRW2024 banner
 Dr Marjorie Cross, OAM

National Reconciliation Week 2024

This week is National Reconciliation Week 2024 with the theme, Now More Than Ever. It is  a reminder to all of us that no matter what the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must continue.

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National Sorry Day 2024 notice
 Dr Marjorie Cross, OAM

National Sorry Day 2024

May 26 is National Sorry Day. “I encourage you to use this day to recognise the survivors of the Stolen Generations and to educate ourselves and reflect on how we can all pay play apart in the healing process for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.” Dr Marjorie Cross, OAM

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Close the Gap event

National Close the Gap Day 21st March 2024

[EVENT] On the third Thursday in March every year (21 Mar 2024), Australians can show their support and send our governments a clear message that we value health equality as a fundamental right for all. The aim is to bring people together to share information, and most importantly, to take meaningful action to support health equality for First Nations people. The themes of this year’s report are Progressing Voice, Treaty, Truth, Leadership and Governance and Building our Economies.

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Our Hippocratic Oath

This week has been so sad with the horrors of the world news, particularly this week in the Middle East, but not forgetting Ukraine, Ethiopia, Syria, Yemen, and Burma. What has saddened me as deeply has been the unacceptable hate speech appearing in our own country. This has been evident in the passionate responses to the Middle East situation, but also evident in these last days before the referendum. – Dr Marjorie Cross, OAM

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Australia's first people holding signs asking us to vote Yes to the Voice referendum

AFMW Supports The Voice To Parliament

AFMW supports formal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution and the establishment of the Voice to Parliament. Read our statement and review links to (updated) resources.

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AFMW celebrating NAIDOC week 2023

NAIDOC Week 2023

AFMW is a proud ongoing supporter of NAIDOC Week which recognises and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The AFMW members are encouraged to celebrate NAIDOC Week through participation in local activities and events from 2-9 July 2023.

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Reconciliation Week 2023 - summary

Reconciliation Week 2023 Recap

Reconciliation Week presents us with an opportunity to reflect on what we are doing individually and as State and Territory organisations to work towards closing the gap in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

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