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Employers with 100+ workers will be required to publish gender pay gap data | Women’s Agenda

Employers with 100+ workers will be required to publish gender pay gap data as new bill passes parliament

This is a step in the right direction towards equality and is one of the key points AFMW raised in the Consultation on the National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality. Economic empowerment of women gives women choice.

Other big issues that require addressing are the superannuation issue and funded childcare.


Employers with 100+ workers will be required to publish gender pay gap data as new bill passes parliament [Women’s Agenda article]

The gender pay gap bill has passed through parliament today, meaning that from early 2024, the gender pay gap data of employers with 100 or more workers will be published.

The Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Bill 2023 is a key reform to drive transparency and action towards closing the gender pay gap.

Australia’s national gender pay gap was last reported at 13.3 per cent in 2023, and the average weekly full-time earnings of a woman in Australia are $253.50 lower than their male counterparts.

Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher said the gender pay gap bill is a critical step to achieving women’s economic equality.

“On current projections it will take another 26 years to close the gender pay gap. Women have waited long enough for the pay gap to close – this government will not let them wait another quarter of a century,” said Gallagher, adding that, in addition to this gender pay gap bill, the government is working to close the gap in other areas as well.

“In just nine months in government, we have already got cracking in other areas to progress the economic equality of women with access to cheaper childcare and the increase to 26 weeks for Paid Parental Leave; through our Industrial Relations changes; and through our investments in housing and women’s safety,” Gallagher said.

Going forward, gender pay gaps will be published on the Workplace Gender Equality Agency website.

by Brianna Boecker


(Source article and photo credit:



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