As Summer advances on us and many are looking forward to having a break from our regular occupations I want to take a moment to reflect on the past year at AFMW.
We have been through some tumultuous times and have been saddened to receive resignations from some key Council members. I am not going to dwell on the issues that led to our esteemed colleagues choosing to step aside but can assure you that AFMW Council is determined to continue the work of our Medical Sisters into the future. There are learning points to be gleaned from the past, but our focus is forward.
We were well represented at the MWIA Western Pacific Region Conference in Cebu, Philippines in July. The attendees enjoyed an opportunity to interact with and learn from Medical Women from all around our region and the cultural presentations by attending doctors demonstrated exceptional talent. It is our turn to host the next regional gathering in 2027 and I hope that we can provide a similarly welcoming event in Melbourne.
2027 is also the Centenary of the founding of AFMW, surely a year that warrants multiple celebrations! I encourage you to put ideas forward so that we can celebrate Medical Women in Australia all year long!
Next year the MWIA triennial Congress will be held in Egypt in mid October. The last one was affected by the Covid pandemic, and we have our fingers crossed that nothing will prevent this one from going ahead face-to-face! Maybe you could include it in your own travel plans for 2025?
The Purple Bush Leaves Medicine Bursary program has now been running for 4 years, awarding bursaries to Medical Women and Female Medical Students from our First Nations community. Bursaries this year went to four recipients and we are delighted to be able to offer this support with the help of some generous sponsors.
A code of conduct document has been drafted and is now in the hands of our Councillors to review and discuss with our membership. I hope that we can adopt it in the near future across the entire membership as a tool to foster ongoing respectful conduct. It is hugely important that we all acknowledge the effects of our words and actions on all around us and we reflect on how we can improve as individuals. I have learned a lot in the 2 months I have been in the role of President and join my colleagues in Council as we undertake our work whilst being supportive and nurturing for all Medical Women.
Our AGM will be held as a hybrid meeting in Canberra on 18 January 2025 at 10.30am. Of course it is open to all members, and you are most welcome to attend or zoom in. Details will be published in the eBulletin in the New Year.
This week’s eBulletin will be the last for the year. Our stalwart tech support administrator deserves a huge thanks for making our submissions look so good on the website and ensuring they make it into the weekly eBulletin. Kley has managed the occasional tech glitches with remarkable tenacity, and I am grateful to have him in the background for us. We aim to be back in publication for 10 January. Don’t forget to send us any news or items that would interest your colleagues as they arise next year.
I wish a joyful celebration of the season to you all, and hope that you will all be refreshed and recharged in the New Year for 2025.
Dr Brenda Masters
President, AFMW

Dr Brenda Masters is a Canberra GP, President of the AFMW (2024-2026).
Brenda grew up in rural SA, studied Medicine in Adelaide, and has worked in Practices around the country before settling in our beautiful National Capital over 20 years ago.
Brenda is keenly involved in the Medical Women’s Society of ACT and Region, a group who provide both networking and peer support. She believes that everyone should be given the opportunity to realise their full potential in life and applies this to both her work and her relationships.
Brenda enjoys gardening and singing in her spare time and tries to make the most of Canberra’s proximity to the snow.