
Central Asia Regional Conference with AMWI Mumbai Branch 10-12 Sept

On-line / Zoom

10-12 SEPT: All AFMW members and guests are invited to join the AMWI Mumbai branch for the MWIA Central Asia Regional Conference online event. Guest speakers include representatives of the Mumbai branch plus AFMW president, Magda Simonis.

All about Intersectionality, Feminism and Health Equity – Online Event

On-line / Zoom

16 SEPT: The VMWS invites you to join us for an evening of: All About Intersectionality, Feminism and Health Equity. This online event will explore how and why every patient’s identity influences their experience of healthcare, and discuss how we as medical professionals can address these factors to achieve the best outcomes for our patients.

(non-members) $20

Caring for the Carers – Expert Panel Discussion on Current Health and Safety Challenges in Healthcare Sector – 5 Oct

On-line / Zoom

5 OCT: To mark both National Work Health and Safety Month and National Mental Health Month in October, AFMW president Magdalena Simonis is a guest speaker at a special complimentary 1-2 pm hour workshop (on Zoom), looking at the health, safety and well-being concerns of people working in the healthcare sector - 'Caring for the Carers'. Please share this important session on caring for carers during Occupational Health and Safety month.

iDEA 2021: Planet Health and Hope (DEA) – 15-17 October

On-line / Zoom

15-17 OCTOBER. The annual Doctors for the Environment Australia's conference is taking place Fri 15th Oct 2021, 2:00 pm - Sun 17th Oct 2021, 4:00 pm ACDT. The theme for iDEA21 is "Planet, Health and Hope", an inspiring and important conference on climate and health run by Doctors For The Environment.

AFMW Annual General Meeting (AGM) – 6 Nov – Don’t forget to register!

On-line / Zoom

REMINDER - AGM to be held this Saturday, 6 NOV - 10am-12:00pm (Melbourne/Canberra/Sydney); 9am-11am (Brisbane): Dear AFMW Members, you are warmly invited to the first AFMW Annual General Meeting for the triennium which will be held via Zoom. The agenda includes Dr Cathy Foley, AO PSM patron’s address; AFMW Awards to Dr Karen Price (President, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners) for excellent contribution to the health of Australia, leadership and advocacy for general practitioners, Dr Kathleen Hayes, AFMW President’s Honour In recognition of excellent contribution to the community and profession, and Dr Marissa Daniels, AFMW President’s Young AFMW Award in recognition of excellent contribution to individual states, AFMW and MWIA; AFMW's Year Recap and submission of the Annual Report. Please RSVP today if you can or cannot attend.


Education with Values Summit – 13 Nov

On-line / Zoom

13 NOVEMBER . Magdalena Simonis, President of AFMW is delivering a presentation at Education with Values Summit online event. The summit's theme is "Why Educating with Values is Important and What Should This Look Like in 2021 and Beyond". Register today.

QMWS Re:Set Masterclass facilitated by Dr Marga Gooren – 20 Nov

On-line / Zoom

20 NOV. Burnt Out? Pandemic Fatigued? Suffering from Compassion fatigue? Learn how to work with Self-Compassion during and after Covid-19. Please join the QMWS for an online Masterclass event by Self-Compassion expert Dr Marga Gooren, Saturday 20 November 2021.  Online bookings for all AFMW members and network are welcome.

SPHERE Annual Meeting 2021 – 23 & 25 Nov

On-line / Zoom

23 & 25 NOV: The SPHERE NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health for Women in Primary Care invites you to attend their virtual annual meeting to hear the latest about their research in abortion, contraception, and preconception care. Showcasing the latest research from SPHERE in abortion, contraception and preconception care on 23 and 25 November 2021 (AEDT).

RACGP Webinar – Vaccine hesitancy and practice efficiencies – 2 Dec

On-line / Zoom

2 DEC: Join Magda and three other presenters at this important National RACGP webinar on vaccine hesitancy and practice efficiencies. Magda will be speaking with a panel of GP experts and her talk will cover issues around addressing CALD communities, as well the the importance of GP self care during COVID which has resulted in increased, constant pressure on GPs. COVID is with us to stay and as our borders open to international travel, GPS and the health sector will be facing new challenges which we will all need to adapt to.

AFMW Open Forum – Moving forward with COVID: GPs advancing vaccinations and health literacy – 3 Feb

On-line / Zoom

3 FEB: AFMW Open Forum launches on Tuesday February 3rd 8pm-9PM AEDT with GP Leaders Associate Professor Charlotte Hespe  RACGP NSW/ ACT Faculty and RACGP Board Director,  Associate Professor Margie Danchin Group Leader, Vaccine Uptake, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, and Dr Magdalena Simonis, RACGP Expert Committee Quality Care will be discussing COVID in primary care in 2022. This is the first in the COVID Crisis Open Forum Series. Register today.

AFMW Council Meeting – 7 Feb

On-line / Zoom

REMINDER - 7 FEB: The first AFMW Council Meeting for the year is fast approaching, and the Executive Committee are looking forward to seeing you there. Join us Monday 7th February, 8pm (Melbourne/Canberra/Sydney); 7pm(Brisbane).


AFMW Open Forum – First Nations Peoples and COVID-19 concerns and their relevance to National Apology Day – 13 Feb

On-line / Zoom

13 FEB: The next in our AFMW Open Forum series will be this Sunday 5PM AEDT. We have commenced our 2022 Open Forum sessions with a “COVID Crisis” series last week, and this week it seems timely to acknowledge National Apology Day on 13 February, and again express our sorrow for the impact COVID-19 is having on First Nations peoples, in the context of known harm from actions that caused the Stolen Generation.

NGO CSW66 Forum Training

On-line / Zoom

18 FEB. NGO CSW66 Forum Training. Learn everything you need to know about attending the NGO CSW66 Forum on the Virtual Portal. We'll talk about the different aspects of the Forum, show a walk-through of the Virtual Portal, and take questions from participants!

QMWS “The Best of our Committee” and AGM [REMINDER]

On-line / Zoom

22 FEB. QMWS warmly invite you to join them for their first dinner event (followed by AGM) for 2022! Due to timing coinciding with the anticipated COVID-19 Omicron peak case numbers in Brisbane, the event will be held online only. Online bookings for all AFMW members and network are welcome.

SPHERE Special Seminar – Professor Wendy Norman

On-line / Zoom

02 MAR. Please join SPHERE for this free online special seminar "Policy advances for women's sexual and reproductive health: Implications for Australia from Canadian approaches" with guest speaker Professor Wendy Norman. Wed, 2 March 2022 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM AEST. Register for this free event.

IHAN CSW66 Parallel Event “Climate change, environmental degradation and disaster – consequences for women’s health”

On-line / Zoom

20 MAR. This session, hosted by the International Health Awareness Network (IHAN), includes a panel of speakers discussing "Climate change and environmental degradation – consequences for women’s health". This is a Parallel Event of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, is Co-Sponsored with National School of Medicine, The University of Notre Dame Australia and Fordham Institute for Women and Girls, New York. Please register to attend.

AFMW UN CSW66 Event [INTERNATIONAL Audience] “Australian Women Doctors: Climate Change and Gender Equity Advocates and Activists” [Updated]

On-line / Zoom

20 MAR. This session, hosted by AFMW, is live for an INTERNATIONAL audience. This full AFMW UN CSW parallel event will be held via Zoom, Sunday 20 March 11pm - Monday 21 March 12.30am AEDT ( Melb /Canberra/ Sydney), 8am EST (USA). A draft program is now available. Please register to attend.

“Let’s Talk About Sex: Sexuality and Sexual Difficulties” – An introductory course in Sexual Medicine and Therapy – Monash University

On-line / Zoom

Being held 25 March and 2 April 2022, Monash University is again running an introductory course in Sexual Medicine and Therapy. This 2-day online multidisciplinary course on Sexuality and Sexual Difficulties, is relevant for all health practitioners, trainees and students. It will discuss the need to talk about sex, address the obstacles, and will empower the registrants to raise and discuss topics of sexuality and sexual difficulties with their patients.

VMWS Specialty Ask Me Anything event series in April

On-line / Zoom

APRIL: The Victorian Medical Women's Society (VMWS) is thrilled to launch their ‘Speciality Ask Me Anything Series’. This series will run every Thursday evening in April, featuring trainees from a myriad of specialties, and will allow junior doctors to “ask her anything” regarding the training program. This event is open to all VMWS members, AFMW members and non-members!

Perimenopause Webinar – Australasian Menopause Society

On-line / Zoom

9 APR. Meet your colleagues in the Western Pacific Region of the Medical Women’s International Association for an hour prior to the International Congress hosted by Taiwan – have friends before you get there! The topic is "WPR Pre-congress 'Who is Who' in the region and why they do what they do in MWIA". Register for fvree today.

MWIA Western Pacific Region – Meet Your Colleagues [Reminder]

On-line / Zoom

9 APR. Meet your colleagues in the Western Pacific Region of the Medical Women’s International Association for an hour prior to the International Congress hosted by Taiwan – have friends before you get there! The topic is "WPR Pre-congress 'Who is Who' in the region and why they do what they do in MWIA". Register for free today.

VMWS Specialty Ask Me Anything event series in April

On-line / Zoom

14 APRIL: The Victorian Medical Women's Society (VMWS) is thrilled to launch their ‘Speciality Ask Me Anything Series’. This series will run every Thursday evening in April (7, 14, 21, 28), featuring trainees from a myriad of specialties, and will allow junior doctors to “ask her anything” regarding the training program. This event is open to all VMWS members, AFMW members and non-members!

VMWS Specialty Ask Me Anything event series in April

On-line / Zoom

APRIL: The Victorian Medical Women's Society (VMWS) is thrilled to launch their ‘Speciality Ask Me Anything Series’. This series will run every Thursday evening in April, featuring trainees from a myriad of specialties, and will allow junior doctors to “ask her anything” regarding the training program. This event is open to all VMWS members, AFMW members and non-members!

VMWS Specialty Ask Me Anything event – 28 April 2022

On-line / Zoom

28 APRIL: The Victorian Medical Women's Society (VMWS) is thrilled to launch their ‘Speciality Ask Me Anything Series’. This series will run every Thursday evening in April, featuring trainees from a myriad of specialties, and will allow junior doctors to “ask her anything” regarding the training program. This event is open to all VMWS members, AFMW members and non-members!

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