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Antenatal care item descriptor ‘doesn’t scratch the surface’ | RACGP

Female doctor chatting with pregant woman with a nurse and man looking on

RACGP, AMA and Minister Mark Butler meet frequently on the ‘Strengthening Medicare Taskforce. Supporting GPs is top of the agenda and it makes sense as incoming RACGP President Dr Nicole Higgins stated at her opening address at GP22 this weekend because, “ general practice is the cost-efficient engine house of the Australian healthcare system”.

On this note and as a GP who manages pregnant women in the community through a ‘shared care’ arrangement with the hospital system, I was asked to comment in this RACGP NewsGP article, which highlights the need to remunerate GPs adequately for these specialist services.

Here is a brief excerpt,

‘.. providing antenatal care may also involve taking more time with patients with specific care needs which may impact maternal health outcomes, including those experiencing family abuse and violence, people from rural and remote areas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, refugees and asylum seekers, and teenagers.

‘Tackling inequities in outcomes requires cultural safety, continuity of care, communication, leadership, resources, training, co-designed interventions,’

Read the full article


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