I am writing to welcome you all to the first triennium (2019-2022) in MWIA ‘s second century. I am honoured and delighted to have become your President at this momentous landmark. I am confident that with your help we shall make great strides forward.
We had a fantastic Centennial Congress in New York. Very many thanks to the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) for organising and hosting such a wonderful meeting. It is a great pity that visa issues prevented some of our members from attending
In the coming years I would like to improve our Communications strategy and social media presence. I would highly recommend that you join the MWIA Facebook groups. My plan is to write a monthly president’s letter to keep you abreast of all our activities.
We had the first meeting of our new MWIA Executive Committee in New York, with eight Vice Presidents in attendance, one from each of our regions. I am sure that we will be a great team. With the support of the new Governance Working Group, we shall ensure that all processes are fair and transparent.
As you know MWIA has three Standing Committees:
• Finance
• Scientific and Research
• Ethics and Resolutions
Two Ad Hoc committees have also been established:
• Communications and Social Media
• Strategy and Advocacy
We are also planning several Project groups:
• Women’s health and the prevention of Unplanned Teenage Pregnancies: the Unmet Need
• HPV vaccination and the elimination of cervical cancer
• The prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage
• Violence against women and girls/ sexual harassment/ cyberviolence
• Facilitating career progression / work life balance
• Encouraging mentoring worldwide
• Gender medicine
• Mental health
• Menopause
And finally regarding the WHO:
I have been the MWIA representative to the WHO for the last 7 years and will be standing down this year. I have had indications of interest for this position, but you are welcome to let me know if you would like to be considered. The position involves attending the World Health Assembly in Geneva every year, and encouraging attendance at the WHO regional meetings. Reports must be written for the quarterly MWIA Update. There is no remuneration for the position and no expenses are paid.
There are six WHO regions (Africa, the Americas, South-East Asia, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, and Western Pacific). Meetings are held annually in each region, usually in the autumn (see www.who.int for more details).
Attached to this letter is an Application Form which must be completed by anyone who wishes to be considered for a committee, project group, or for the WHO.
I would be grateful if you could circulate this letter (also attached) to all members in your country, along with the application form and Committee tasks. If you know of members who would be particularly suited to any particular committee or project, please ensure that they receive this letter.
Members can indicate interest in a maximum of 3 committees or projects. Each applicant should include on the form a statement (maximum 250 words) saying why they are-interested in the role, what they can contribute and why we should choose them. To ensure diversity and regional balance, the Executive Committee will make the final decision as to who serves on which committee or project.
Replies should be sent to p[email protected], with a copy to [email protected].
The deadline for replies is 9th September 2019.
I look forward to hearing from you.
With best wishes
Dr Clarissa Fabre
MWIA president