We continue to profile the achievements and aspirations of the 2023 Purple Bush Medicine Leaves recipients in the lead up to the 2023 Referendum on the Voice to Parliament. In our earlier posts, we shared the stories of Ms Megan Shuttleworth and Ms Natalie Gordon, and this week we would like to introduce you to another of this year’s bursary recipients, Dr Julia-Rose Satre.
Introducing Dr Julia-Rose Satre
Dr Julia-Rose Satre is a Yawuru woman who was fortunate to not only grow up in Country Broome Western Australia, but also in Cairns Far North Queensland. She is a member of the Australian Indigenous Doctor’s Association (AIDA) and plans to use the Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursary to enable her to attend the annual AIDA conference this year
In 2022, Dr Satre graduated with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) from Griffith University and was the inaugural recipient of the Queensland Medical Women’s Society Bursary (administered by National Council of Women, Queensland) for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Woman, sponsored by Mater (view the 2022 NCWQ Bursary Yearbook). She is currently completing her internship at Cairns Base Hospital.
Dr Julia-Rose Satre is a Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway trainee and is applying to train to become a Rural Generalist through the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. She has played advocative roles within non-profit organisations such as HOPE4HEALTH as their Indigenous executive and secretary, as well as provided mentorship to the First People’s Health Unit.
“As an Aboriginal woman, I have always been passionate about enabling safe birthing on country. I hope to one day obtain my advanced skill in Obstetrics to help achieve this dream. This year, I spoke at the Rotary Centenary Rotary Conference in Brisbane Hall; this gave me a platform where I shared my story and ambitions. I hope my presence will continue to grow, as I pursue my passion of being a fierce advocate for my people.
Obtaining this Bursary would help me immensely with my intentions of attending the AIDA Conference 2023. I believe attending this conference will provide me with a platform to not only learn about the limitations and difficulties faced by healthcare professionals in rural communities but also direct me on the right path to achieve my dreams of eventually being a Rural Generalist, a doctor for my community far out in the bush, where I can spread my arms to nurture the ill back to health on the country.”
Congratulations Julia-Rose!
The Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursary Program was established as part of our commitment to the reconciliation and the Makarrata Commission, to encourage and empower female medical Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduates and students as they further their medical career and/or leadership aspirations.
The Program continues to grow, thanks to our supporters and sponsors, with four Bursaries awarded in 2023.
Readers are also encouraged to review the resources provided in our earlier Resources For The Voice To Parliament Referendum post.
We again gratefully acknowledge our sponsors and supporters.
Dr Lydia Pitcher & A/Prof Deb Colville

Co-Convenor, AFMW Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursary Program.
Vice President, Australian Federation of Medical Women Inc 2018-2022.
Past President, Queensland Medical Women’s Society 2016-2019.