2023 Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursaries have been Awarded
We are very pleased that the 2023 Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursaries, announced during NAIDOC Week have been awarded to the recipients in the last week.
This coincides with the announcement of the date of the Referendum on the Voice to Parliament, and affirms the purpose of the Bursaries to achieve parity in the representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Women within the Australian medical profession.
Resources for the Voice to Parliament Referendum [UPDATED 12 Oct 2023]
We encourage our members to continue to review additional resources with regard to the Referendum on the Voice to Parliament:
Fact sheet: Referendum question and constitutional amendment
Where did the idea for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament come from? | The Voice Explained | ABC News
No simple answers on the Voice | ABC News Daily Podcast
Far Enough – Vote Yes | Briggs
History is Calling
“History is Calling video is helping people think more deeply about the consequences of their vote. Can you help us share it far and wide?
“We have one chance to give First Nations Peoples a real say – a chance to change the status quo and improve lives. One chance to make history.”
The Voice and how Indigenous knowledge can help close the gap
Kim and the Constitution
Why the Voice is a Health issue
The Voice and how Indigenous knowledge can help close the gap
Laura Tingle on the Voice debate
Listen to the ABC podcast Broadcast Wed 11 Oct 2023
Inside the Far Enough – Vote Yes video exploding on social media
A witty video endorsing the Yes vote has exploded on social media, with its high-profile director debunking one criticism | news.com.au Broadcast 6 Oct 2023
The Voice is a Health issue – Hearing again the reasons
Listen to the ABC podcast Broadcast Mon 9 Oct 2023
“The need for the Voice is really about establishing genuine, substantive and continued representation of the First Peoples in the policy-making process. And we know too from our own experience that if you give us a voice, we will make a positive change.” ….
“I think that we can’t lose sight of its primary goal, this First Nations Voice to Parliament, it is a practical, positive difference to the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and I genuinely also believe that it’ll make Australia a fairer and more inclusive nation.” Donna Ah Chee.
AFMW Supports The Voice To Parliament
We look forward to profiling the recipients in the lead up to the Referendum the Voice to Parliament (Saturday 14 October 2023) and welcome any feedback from AFMW members.
Bursary Recipients, 2023
Ms Natalie Gordon, a Ngunnawal woman, from rural NSW with multiple qualifications within and outside of her medicine studies
Ms Megan Shuttleworth, a Yugambeh/Torres Strait Islander, student AIDA representative, mentor and artist
Dr Julia-Rose Satre, a Yawaru (Broome, Western Australia) medical woman and aspiring Rural Generalist, now pursuing internship in Far North Queensland
Dr Alicia Veasey, a Torres Strait Islander medical woman who is completing specialist FRANZCOG training with sub-specialty qualifications in Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology (IFEPAG).
Help Support the Bursary Program
To support the Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Program into the future, your kind Donation is welcome. Donations can be made securely, online here.
Make a Contribution
Dr Lydia Pitcher and A/Prof Deb Colville
Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Program

Co-Convenor, AFMW Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursary Program.
Vice President, Australian Federation of Medical Women Inc 2018-2022.
Past President, Queensland Medical Women’s Society 2016-2019.