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New Australian tool aims to prompt conversations about endometriosis | InSight+

The pathway to an endometriosis diagnosis can be challenging both for the person with the condition and their primary health care providers (Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock).

This inSight+ article, authored by Dr Jacqueline Frayne, A/Prof Magdalena Simonis AM and A/Prof Alan Lam detail how a new tool, called the Raising Awareness Tool for Endometriosis (RATE), has been developed to help prompt early conversations between health providers and women about endometriosis-related symptoms, in efforts to improve early detection.


New Australian tool aims to prompt conversations about endometriosis [inSight+ article Extract]

Endometriosis is a chronic medical condition which, according to the Australian Government Institute of Health and Welfare’s most recent report affects around one in seven women who are diagnosed by the age of 44–49 years. Despite its high prevalence, endometriosis is frequently under recognised.

Endometriosis represents a significant burden for those affected, their partners, and families, as well as a significant cost to society in terms of economic and social involvement. The economic burden alone is estimated to cost $6.5 billion dollars annually measured in absenteeism, loss of social and economic participation and use of the health system. More needs to be done to support both women and primary health at a general level, noting that the Australian Government’s funding allocation for 20 national specialised clinics is a positive step.

The pathway that leads to its eventual diagnosis is reported as challenging from the perspective of the women, girls and people living with this condition and primary health care providers who are often general practitioners. This may be due to the myriad symptoms associated with this condition. Typically, these include dysmenorrhoea, pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and in up to 30%, infertility, with symptoms such as dyspareunia, abdominal bloating, pain or bleeding on defaecation, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel symptoms and urinary symptoms being associated less often (here).

This can be further complicated for women and their doctors in that the nature and severity of endometriosis-associated symptoms can (anecdotally) fluctuate and vary over time, from menarche to menopause and sometimes beyond (here). Those who present with atypical symptoms, further face the frustration of not feeling heard or having their symptoms dismissed, resulting in delays before a diagnosis is made (here).


Continue Reading the Full Article on the inSight+ website. >>


by Dr Jacqueline Frayne, A/Prof Magdalena Simonis AM, A/Prof Alan Lam
29 January 2024

(Credits: Article- inSight+ / Stock-Drazen Zigic/ Shutterstock)







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