AFMW Members in the Media
AFMW President, Dr Magdalena Simonis

- Woodley, M. COVID-19 and expectant mothers: ‘Assume this is dangers to her and her child’. News GP. Published 16/07/2020.
- Tsirtsakis, A. Metabolic coenzyme shows promise for improved egg quality. News GP. Published 10/07/2020.
- Woodley, M. Study links hot flushes, night sweats to CVD in women. News GP. Published 06/07/2020.
- Hammarberg, K., Simonis, M. A perfect story for spike in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. News GP. Published 21/09/2020.
- Simonis, M. COVID vaccine roll out and the role of general practice. VICDOC. Published Summer 2020/21.
Dr Emily Shao, Dr Tash Abeysekera - QMWS

Online learning modules
Endometriosis - National Endometriosis Action Plan
Dr M Simonis, as part of the steering group and working group with RANZCOG, developed these resources for distribution and sharing.
Over 700 000 Australians and New Zealanders have endometriosis. It takes up to 12 years for a diagnosis. Learn to diagnose faster and manage symptoms more effectively for better patient outcomes with the endometriosis module. It is free and available for all trainees and fellows interested in refreshing their knowledge on endometriosis.
Contact Dr Marissa Daniels, AFMW Web Officer, for more information, or to submit an item for posting. Thank you!