We are looking for enthusiastic medical women who would like to take on fantastic roles within the AFMW Council.
There are four vacancies within the AFMW Council
Expressions of Interest
Please see eligibility criteria and job descriptions for the positions below.
If you are interested and/or would like further information, please email [email protected] by 31 Jan 2025.
1. AFMW Treasurer
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be an AHPRA registered doctor
- Must be a member of AFMW (if you are a member of your state medical women’s society, you are automatically a member of AFMW)
- Must have had experience on AFMW Council or State Committee
Job Description:
- Ensure that all money due to the Federation is collected and received and that all payments authorised by the Council are made
- Ensure that correct books and accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of the Federation including full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities of the Federation
- Arrange for the accounts of the Federation to be audited yearly
- Report to Council on the financial status of the Federation
- Attend all AFMW Executive and Council meetings
2. Web Coordinator
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be an AHPRA registered doctor
- Must be a member of AFMW (if you are a member of your state medical women’s society, you are automatically a member of AFMW)
Job Description:
- You do not need to have technical knowledge as we have a Webmaster
- Liaise with the AFMW Webmaster on a regular basis
- Ensure all information on website is up to date
- Assist with collating articles and/or news/blog posts as requested by Executive Committee
- Maintain Health on the Net (HON) accreditation
- Ensure content adheres to the AFMW Privacy Policy
- Liaise with the Council to provide recommendations on improvements for the overall website and user experience
- The Web Coordinator is not specifically to change the structure of the existing website. Major changes are to be done in consultation with the committee and the AFMW web consultant
- Attend all AFMW Council meetings
3. yAFMW Representative
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be an AHPRA registered doctor
- Must be a member of AFMW (if you are a member of your state medical women’s society, you are automatically a member of AFMW)
- Must be under 40 years of age
Job Description:
- Actively report to the AFMW on yAFMW activities and visa versa
- Attend all AFMW Council meetings
4. Individual Members’ Representative
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be an AHPRA registered doctor
- Must be an individual member of AFMW
Job Description:
- Actively liaise with other individual members including the dissemination of information to individual members
- Attend all AFMW Council meetings
Dr Madhura Naidu
AFMW Vice President

The Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW) is a not for profit, politically neutral, non sectarian, non government organisation that seeks to improve the health of all Australians, especially the health of women and children.
Events and Updates coordination by AFMW, on behalf of the Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW), its affiliated Australian state and territory partners and international networks and supporters. If you have an update or event you would like to share with us for Australian medical women, please contact us with details. Thank you.