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What does feminism mean to you?

Dale Spencer feminism quote

According to Merriam-Webster, feminism “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes” and “organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.

Some younger women feel that they don’t relate to the term ‘feminism’ – they associate the feminist label with ‘burn the bra hippies’, ‘man-haters’ who talk about the ‘patriarchy’. These are stereotypes and like all stereotypes, they are either incorrect or outdated notions of what it means to be a feminist.

The younger generation talks more about ‘intersectionality’ ‘migration and racism’ rather than ‘patriarchy’ and tends to align more closely with being a 21st-century version of consciousness-raising. We as a people need to look more closely at the reality of race and gender bias. Modern day feminists have mostly dropped the term ‘patriarchy’
despite its omnipresence, the perpetual gender inequity and the 134 years it will take from now to achieve equality. Women are speaking up for everyone dealing with prejudice.

The feminist cause has become a vehicle for social justice and change, and the greater good. Just where it’s roots always have been.

As we are acknowledging the UN’s call for 16 days of activism, let’s not forget how hard it has been to get to this point, to vote, to have access to education and let’s keep the pressure on to advance women in all spheres across the globe.

Some inspirational links

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List of Feminists
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Revolutionary Women
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