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Unequal Burdens for Women in Healthcare — Women in Global Health Australia [Recap]

Unequal Burdens for Women in Healthcare event recap mvideo

Two of our AFMW members, namely A/Prof Jacqueline Boyle and Dr Magdalena Simonis were invited to participate in the Women in Global Health Australia (WGHA) webinar, “Unequal Burdens for Women in Healthcare”.



The pandemic has placed an unequal burden on women healthcare workers, who in Australia make up 75% of the workforce. Women in healthcare experienced a higher risk of exposure and infection, barriers to accessing personal protective equipment, decreased leadership and decision-making opportunities and increased workloads. Despite all this, women healthcare workers still absorbed the increased caregiving responsibilities when access to school and child care support was restricted.

COVID-19 has highlighted the urgent need for system level changes to better support women across the healthcare workforce. Join Women in Global Health Australia as we hear from the first hand experiences of healthcare workers, including representatives from medicine, nursing , allied health, and aged care. We will facilitate a discussion on the system changes required, particularly around care, parental leave and flexibility and highlight current approaches to drive evidence-based change.


See Unequal Burdens for Women in Healthcare


Magdalena Simonis, AFMW President
Jacqueline Boyle, AFMW member




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