In this article, originally published at The Age, Melbourne GP Magdalena Simonis says there is a huge demand for information on how to manage COVID-19 at home.
COVID-19 is in the community now and if you haven’t already caught it, the likelihood is you or someone close to you will. Here is some practical advice to help you prepare so that you can manage this in your home.
You have tested positive, here are some next steps:
If you have a positive COVID-19 test, whether it be a PCR or a rapid antigen test (RAT), you must report your result by phoning the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398, or complete this online form.
You need to contact all your close social contacts (currently, this means you have been in close contact for four hours) and let them know to get tested. If you cannot access a RAT or a PCR test and you have symptoms of a cold or not, assume that you have COVID-19 and isolate at home for up to seven days or until you feel 100 per cent to prevent the spread. Each state has its own rules, so it’s important to know what these are.
Here’s what you can expect to feel like:
Most cases of COVID-19 are like a mild to moderate cold, which can be self-managed. The severity of your symptoms and how your health was before you were infected with COVID-19 will determine whether you need to contact your GP. Other factors such as how comfortable you are feeling at home, how much support you have and how well you are recovering from COVID-19 will also help you decide.
The Health Direct symptom tracker is a useful site to visit to help you decide if you need medical attention. Common symptoms can include fever, cough, sore throat. Some experience headaches, runny nose, shortness of breath, fatigue, aches and pains. Other symptoms can include loss of taste or smell, vomiting, loss of appetite, sore eyes and unexplained chest pain.
Symptoms that suggest a severe or even serious form of the disease include:
– Feeling so breathless that you cannot speak in short sentences when at rest.
– Pain or pressure in the chest.
– Coughing up blood.
– Severe dizziness or severe drowsiness or confusion. Becoming unconscious is serious.
– Skin turning blue or pale.
These could be serious complications. You should call an ambulance on triple-zero to arrange to be seen at hospital.
When should you call your GP?
Contact your GP if you are pregnant or have a chronic medical condition such as diabetes, lung disease or are immunocompromised, or you have a sick child. You should also call your GP if you start to feel worse.
Ask yourself these questions three times per day:
– Can I get my own food?
– Can I drink?
– Do I have any breathing difficulties or tightness in the chest?
– Can I go to the toilet normally?
– Can I take my regular medications?
If the answer to any of these is ‘no’ you should contact your GP.
If you need to attend a medical centre or see your GP in person:
Contact the medical centre before attending to tell them that you are a confirmed COVID-19 case. Work out with your GP or practice staff how your GP can attend to you without putting the staff and others in the waiting room at risk. They might opt to see you in your car. Take your own car or walk if practical. You should not take public transport, taxis, or ride-share cars. Wear a face mask while travelling and in the practice. Others in the vehicle should also wear a face mask. Notify reception and report directly to staff that you are a confirmed COVID-19 case. Then, follow instructions from the staff. Be patient with them as this is a very busy time for all medical practices and most are short-staffed due to exposure to COVID-19.
Children with COVID-19:
COVID-19 in children is much like other viral infections and could include a runny nose, fever, sore throat, cough, vomiting, diarrhoea and fatigue. Treat these symptoms as you would for any viral illness, although some will develop loss of smell or taste, headache and breathing difficulties. Almost half will have no symptoms at all. If you are breastfeeding, continue to do so but wear a mask.
Call your doctor if they are:
– Less than 3 months old
– You are worried about your child
– Your child has a chronic illness
– Symptoms are worsening with breathing difficulty, severe diarrhoea, vomiting or abdominal pain, or passing less than half the usual amount of urine
– They are excessively sleepy or irritable
Tips on how to self-isolate or live with others who have contracted COVID-19
Detailed tips on self-isolation are available from Health Direct and advice on managing COVID-19 with assistance from your GP is available through the college of GPs guide, which includes an action plan and symptom diary. Ideally, a person with COVID-19 should have a separate, well-ventilated room and sleep alone. They should use a separate bathroom where possible, and if spaces are shared, to use these spaces at different times and wear a mask when moving from one shared space to another. If you live alone, let close friends and family know that you have COVID-19 and agree on timed calls throughout the day to check in on you.
What should I have in my house in case I or others contract COVID-19?
Buy cleaning products such as detergent, hospital grade disinfectant, disposable gloves, and wipe down surfaces that are touched often such as benches, light switches door handles phones, toilets, taps and sinks. Provide masks, tissues and lined bins for each room and do not share dishes, cutlery, cups, towels.
Other items to consider include a thermometer to monitor temperature and oximeters to measure oxygen levels. Oxygen levels need only be measured in cases with more severe symptoms around twice a day and levels should remain at 95 per cent or above. They can be borrowed from your GP or from your pharmacy, or you can also purchase them directly from a chemist.
Here’s a COVID-19 shopping list:
Items for isolation and cleaning:
– Masks
– Gloves
– Hand sanitiser
– Hospital grade disinfectant
– Bin liners and bins for each room
– Tissues
– Paper towelling for wiping down surfaces
– Ibuprofen/paracetamol for aches and pains/fever
– Throat lozenges for sore throat
– A supply of all your regular medications
– Antihistamine
Optional items:
– Thermometer
– Pulse-oximeter
Put together a contact list for your GP, pharmacist, close friends and family, food and meal delivery and the COVID-19 information hotline (1800 675 398).
When should I have my third vaccination after a COVID-19 infection?
After contracting COVID-19, there is some immunity that we expect should last for four to six months which means that if you cannot access a third dose just yet, you should not panic. However, this should not alter your current vaccination plan. If you have had two doses so far, you should have your third COVID-19 vaccination whether it be with Pfizer or Moderna as planned, which is at now four months after the second dose. If you are immunocompromised, this will be at the three months after your second dose and very likely there will be a fourth for this group also. AstraZeneca is still available for those who cannot have an mRNA vaccine due to previous side effects.
Support for mental health during COVID-19:
COVID-19 is now widespread in the community and people are feeling frustrated due to their inability to access RAT tests and delayed PCR test result turnaround times. Add this to the memory of lockdowns along with constant rule changes, these feelings are understandable. Living with any degree of uncertainty increases stress levels and after a long period, can lead to feeling flat or moody. Some might be feeling overwhelmed and sad, and there might be a loss or change in appetite, sleep problems and a feeling of fatigue. If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, you might be suffering from a form of depression which can become serious if not addressed. Other symptoms can include feeling like you do not want to see anyone or fear going out, you are not getting things done at work, home or school. You might be drinking more alcohol and finding it unable to concentrate – all these behaviours might be symptoms of depression. It is important to talk to someone about these feelings and changes in your life.
Reach out to your family and support network, let them know how you feel. It is important to let you GP know that this is what you are experiencing and GP counselling or even a referral for counselling using the Better Health Initiatives Scheme for a series of sessions with a psychologist under a Mental Health Care Plan which your GP prepares for you, can provide the necessary support. Other websites that provide terrific resources include Head to Health, Beyond Blue, Health Direct, Lifeline and this list of mental health and suicide prevention contacts.
This is a phase in human history that everyone is experiencing in their own way and what history tells us for certain, is that this too shall pass.
Source article: Photo credit: CHRIS HOPKINS

Associate Professor Magdalena Simonis AM is a Past President of the AFMW (2020-2023), former President of VMWS (2013 & 2017-2020) and current AFMW National Coordinator (2024-2026). She is a full time clinician who also holds positions on several not for profit organisations, driven by her passion for bridging gaps across the health sector. She is a leading women’s health expert, keynote speaker, climate change and gender equity advocate and government advisor. Magda is member of The Australian Health Team contributing monthly articles.
Magdalena was awarded a lifetime membership of the RACGP for her contributions which include past chair of Women in General Practice, longstanding contribution to the RACGP Expert Committee Quality Care, the RACGP eHealth Expert Committee. She is regularly invited to comment on primary care research though mainstream and medical media and contributes articles on various health issues through newsGP and other publications.
Magdalena has represented the RACGP at senate enquiries and has worked on several National Health Framework reviews. She is author of the RACGP Guide on Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery and co-reviewer of the RACGP Red Book Women’s Health Chapter, and reviewer of the RACGP White book
Both an RACGP examiner and University examiner, she undertakes general practice research and is a GP Educator with the Safer Families Centre of Research Excellence, which develops education tools to assist the primary care sector identify, respond to and manage family violence . Roles outside of RACGP include the Strategy and Policy Committee for Breast Cancer Network Australia, Board Director of the Melbourne University Teaching Health Clinics and the elected GP representative to the AMA Federal Council. In 2022. she was award the AMA (Vic) Patrick Pritzwald-Steggman Award 2022, which celebrates a doctor who has made an exceptional contribution to the wellbeing of their colleagues and the community and was listed as Women’s Agenda 2022 finalist for Emerging Leader in Health.
Magdalena has presented at the United Nations as part of the Australian Assembly and was appointed the Australian representative to the World Health Organisation, World Assembly on COVID 19, by the Medical Women’s International Association (MWIA) in 2021. In 2023, A/Professor Simonis was included on the King’s COVID-19 Champion’s list and was also awarded a Member (AM) in the General Division for significant service to medicine through a range of roles and to women’s health.