The ACT and Region Medical Women’s Society annual FUNdraiser event supports a handful of worthy charities including Companion House (Refugee Health support) and Cambodian Kitchen of hope (a small but powerful village project).
Yet again it was well attended by members and friends in a generous spirit – $320 from a single table to purchase their dessert! Our Impressively Dressed entrants collected over $600 in votes with the overall winner our Treasurer Kristi. Marjorie wore a vintage dress and antique shoes which fit her like a glove!
We were entertained beautifully by Liz, a flautist who is now a Medical Student, followed by Brenda and Kate who gave an amusing parody. Overall a few thousand dollars were raised, exact amount still being tallied! Medical Women getting together to enjoy a wonderful spirit of camaraderie while raising funds for much needed support of our selected charities.

The Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW) is a not for profit, politically neutral, non sectarian, non government organisation that seeks to improve the health of all Australians, especially the health of women and children.
Events and Updates coordination by AFMW, on behalf of the Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW), its affiliated Australian state and territory partners and international networks and supporters. If you have an update or event you would like to share with us for Australian medical women, please contact us with details. Thank you.